About — Three Cord Strand

(352) 804-5220   ///   Tim@ThreeCordStrand.org   ///   Located in Gainesville, Georgia

Our Mission

We Seek to Help Husbands, Wives, parents, pastors, and children/teens to know and understand the biblical responsibility of Christian marriage.

Knowing that every marriage is unique and different with its own marriage personality Tim and Barbara Daugherty recognize their own need to grow and learn daily from the Word of God and prayer to become more like Christ. The result is a three cord strand which is not easily broken. There are no perfect marriages out there, but with the grace and power of Christ every couple can choose to serve their Lord and one another and to strive for oneness. Their passion and desire is to see Christ exalted and glorified in their marriage as a gospel witness to their family, the church, and the lost world. It is vitally important that believers take seriously their marriage relationship to be a Christ-like example within the church that marriage does work and should not be taken lightly as a coventantal relationship with God through Christ. Unfortunately, the church is in spiritual-marital bankruptcy and has lost its light and salt in the world in the first horizontal relationship that God has given to man and that is marriage.

"18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper as his complement.” 19 So the Lord God formed out of the ground every wild animal and every bird of the sky, and brought each to the man to see what he would call it. And whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. 20 The man gave names to all the livestock, to the birds of the sky, and to every wild animal; but for the man[a] no helper was found as his complement. 21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to come over the man, and he slept. God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place. 22 Then the Lord God made the rib He had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man. 23 And the man said:
This one, at last, is bone of my bone
and flesh of my flesh;
this one will be called “woman,”
for she was taken from man.
24 This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. 25 Both the man and his wife were naked, yet felt no shame."
Genesis 2:18-25

Tim and Barbara seek to help husbands and wives, parents, pastors and children/teens know and understand the biblical responsibility of Christian marriage. In doing so, they desire to help churches of all sizes teach, guide, equip, and train their pastoral/lay leaders to win back the witness of Christ-honoring marriages.

Three Cord Strand is a Faith-Based Organization

Three Cord Strand is a Faith Based Organization based in Gainesville, GA. Our mission is to strengthen marriages and families by providing Christ-centered biblical teaching and coaching, skill-based curriculum through workshops, events, conferences, and retreats.

We Want to Help Marriages Become Strong

Knowing that every marriage is unique and different with its own marriage personality they recognize their own need to grow and learn daily from the Word of God and prayer to become more like Christ. The result will then be a three cord strand which is not easily broken. There are no perfect marriages out there but with the grace and the power of Christ every couple can choose to serve their Lord and one another and strive for oneness. Their passion and desire is to see Christ exalted and glorified in their marriage as a gospel witness to their family, the lost world and the church. It is vitally important that believers take seriously their marriage relationship to be a Christ-like example within the church that marriage does work and should not be taken lightly as a coventantal relationship with God through Christ. Unfortunately the church is in spritual marital bankruptcy and has lost its light and salt in the world in the first horizontal relationship that God has given to man and that is marriage (Gen. 2:18- 25).


The Leadership

Tim Daugherty

Barbara Daugherty

Rev. Tim and Barbara Daugherty both have a personal saving relationship in Christ Jesus and have been married for 23 years as one in Christ. They recently have moved to Georgia and currently live in Gainesville, GA. Tim is an ordained minister and has served as Assoicate Pastor of Discipleship, Marriage & Family for over six years at a local baptist church. He also served as Worship Leader at Cornerstone Baptist Church of Citrus Hills and is working toward his masters in Theology and Counseling at Liberty. Prior to being called into full-time vocational ministry he worked as a consultant in investment and life insurance planning for 17 years. Barbara is a registered nurse and currently works at Northeast Georgia Medical Center. She has been an RN for over 23 years. Currently they are members and serving at Blackshear Place Baptist Church in Flowery Branch, GA.

Marriage Enrichment Ministry Experience:

Tim and Barbara have been called in marriage enrichment since 1998 and began their ministry as Couples For Christ. Over the years they have been trained and certified in several pre-marriage and marriage enrichment programs such as FOCCUS, Start Smart, WAIT Training, Covenant Marriage, Two Becoming One, Family Wellness – Survival Skills for Healthy Christian Families, Christian Enriched Marriage by Dr. Richard Marks, and Adventures in Marriage.  They are also in ministry partnership with Live the Life in Tallahassee, FL with Richard Albertson founder of Start Smart and co-author of AIM and many other faith-based and non-faith based curriculum.

Throughout the past 14 years Tim and Barbara have trained and led conferences in their local churches and association, the Florida Baptist Convention, and out of state conventions as well.  During this time they have also taught marriage enrichment courses and workshops in small group settings/retreats and have helped mentor other couples so they too can mentor others.


Francis & Tammy Endryck

“Our introduction to Tim and Barbara began as our marriage was heading into deep trouble. We were at a standstill, frequently fighting, and ready for divorce. One night they came to our home and did a marriage intervention. We listened intently, as they both explained what was happening and what they could offer to save our marriage. We then attended several classes they presented, read books they suggested, and spent a weekend at a marriage enrichment presentation.

Our relationship immediately began to improve. We had been blessed with tools that enabled communication, prayer, and hope. My sense of hopelessness and despair was replaced with love, our lord, and a heretofore unknown happiness.
I am extremely grateful for their infusion of peace, love and joy into our marriage. I have realized what a wonderful woman I married. I know God brought us together to bring glory to him! I try to celebrate my beautiful marriage every day. I cannot put into words my gratitude I have for these gifts.

I whole heartily recommend all the classes you can attend with Tim and Barbara!”

Joel & Carrie Ann Byers

Oakwood, Georgia

"My husband and I have been blessed to know Tim and Barbara for about a year now. Their passion and desire to see marriages not only survive, but thrive, was obvious from day 1. Through knowing and watching them, and also attending a marriage class they taught, we have been blessed, challenged, and also convicted on many things. They literally make us have a greater desire to serve God more in our marriage. Sometimes in life, we put so many other things ahead of our spouses. This is not the way it should be. We have to be intentional with our marriages, or the enemy will come in and try to devour them. Tim and Barbara have the Biblical wisdom and knowledge to help married couples navigate through this thing called life, and to do it together. As friends, as lovers, as true companions. We are blessed to know them and call them friends."

Rev. David Throckmorton

Director of Calhoun/Liberty Ministry Center

“What an honor and joy to give testimony about the ministry of Tim and Barbara Daugherty as they give of themselves to minister to families. Having known them for over 15 years gives me much insight about their lives. I have known them personally and also in relation to their work with couples.

Even though their work is effective and life transforming, their work is truly good because of the work of God in their lives. They have personally experienced the principles that they practice. Their hearts are pure and their marriage is good because God is the focus of their lives and marriage. As they teach and share, one senses their genuine love for God and for the people they are trying to help.

In one of my previous churches, they did a seminar on marriage in which they shared the importance of daily conveying your love to your spouse. We were given a small rock which was to be hidden in a place where your spouse would eventually find it. For over ten years now, my wife and I have both hidden and found that little rock that says, “I love you!” Tim and Barbara share both principles and how to practically apply those principles. This is a very special couple with a very special ministry for families.”

Jeff Harris

“I have known Tim and Barbara Daugherty for about 3 years. My wife and I attend church where Tim was the Associate Pastor, and they are good friends of ours. Tim and Barbara both have a deep devotion to Christian marriage ministry. They have lead numerous discipleship training studies on marriage enrichment and have a strong desire to help couples succeed in walking in love as God created us to. They have worked tirelessly in marriage counseling to assist couples with marriages in all levels of distress. This commitment has led them to sacrifice countless hours of sleep to work with couples late into the night hours to save marriages that were in crisis.

Tim is an exemplary Christian man who lives his faith out loud. His loves are Christ, his wife Barbara and marriage ministry (in that order). You learn this quickly when talking to him as he speaks of them often. He has been a mentor to me in my Christian walk with my own wife. I have been in his Bible studies and have learned much from his candor, devotion, and wisdom.

Barbara’s quiet, reserved manner is equal and opposite to Tim’s, and her gentle, loving devotion to her Christ and her husband are evident in her ministry. She has much to relate from her own personal experiences, and even though she has experienced much heartache, she continues to be fully and lovingly faithful to her God. It has been a blessing to come under Tim and Barbara’s ministry and to count them as my friends.”

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