The following are endorsements from individuals who know and trust Tim & Barbara, and who offer validation of Three Cord Strand by their own experience and expertise.
Rev. David Throckmorton
Senior Pastor - First Baptist Church of Floral City, Florida
“What an honor and joy to give testimony about the ministry of Tim and Barbara Daugherty as they give of themselves to minister to families. Having known them for over 15 years gives me much insight about their lives. I have known them personally and also in relation to their work with couples.
Even though their work is effective and life transforming, their work is truly good because of the work of God in their lives. They have personally experienced the principles that they practice. Their hearts are pure and their marriage is good because God is the focus of their lives and marriage. As they teach and share, one senses their genuine love for God and for the people they are trying to help.
In one of my previous churches, they did a seminar on marriage in which they shared the importance of daily conveying your love to your spouse. We were given a small rock which was to be hidden in a place where your spouse would eventually find it. For over ten years now, my wife and I have both hidden and found that little rock that says, “I love you!” Tim and Barbara share both principles and how to practically apply those principles. This is a very special couple with a very special ministry for families.”
Dr. Gary N. Nichols
Minister of Education - First Baptist Church of Milton, Florida
"It is a privilege to commend Tim and Barbara Daugherty to you. We met several years ago in my former position with the Florida Baptist Convention’s Discipleship and Family Department. I found this godly couple to be passionate about making disciples and strengthening marriages and families.
There were occasions when the department needed to enlist leaders for marriage events in Florida and with our partnership state conventions. Without hesitation, we knew, if Tim and Barbara were available, they would represent Florida Baptists well, lead couples to a closer walk with our Lord Jesus, and honor God in the process.
In addition, they are strong supports of their local church.
Tim and Barbara are knowledgeable of marriage resources and devoted to building strong marriages.
Gary N. Nichols, D.Ed.Min."
Dr. Richard Marks
Executive Director - Marriage For Life in Jacksonville, Florida
"As a leader in the national marriage movement I get to meet many champions for healthy and mature marriages. One such couple is Tim and Barbara Daugherty of Three Cord Strand. Tim and Barbara not only have a strong and loving marriage but seek to help couples experience the love of Christ as it translates into a vibrant marriage. These two are trained in various research and biblically sound relationship skills programs and bring these to churches and community organizations as a retreat, seminar or workshop format. With humor, candidness, and vulnerability, they not only teach, but also guide couples as they experience the work of Three Cord Strand. I most strongly encourage pastors and community leaders to seek them out and allow them to partner with you as you both seek to increase strong and loving marriages and decrease divorce.
Dr. Richard Marks"